GATTHO is a psychological social drama. It tells the story of a mentally disruptive artist, samrat (Najir Husen) who is suffering from bipolar disorder. He has some sulfurous childhood experience, due to which ,he has became a dummy.
He lives lonely ,neither talks to anyone nor socialize in any social event. He sells his printing to Bishnu, arts dealer ( Abhay Baral) to earn money. After seeing his printing and learning about his antisocial behavior, Bishnu's friend ( Namarta shrestha) meets her to know about him so she can help to go out of his disorder.
Kedar Bikram shahi ( Blogger Writer) |
Talking about performance, Najir Husen has given the splendid performance. Abhay also played his role of an arts dealer terrifically . Namrata shrestha ,who is debuting in the industry with this film ,is average . These three are the real heroes of this film .
Rating -3/5
Director : Suraj Bhusal
Cast: Najir Husen, Abhay Bhusal, Namrata shrestha
Camera: Narenra Mainali
Genre: Thriller and Drama
Length : 1 Hour 30 min